Why would you say capital has eternal life?
Before the fire goes out in you leave the city that is no city...
You can see how the history of industry and the emerging objective existence of industry is the open book of the essential powers of man, the sensory human psychology.
How much blood and horror is at the bottom of all "things good"!
Lebenszeit gegen Geld: Ein Arbeiter in Frankfurt am Main hatte sein Leben in ein und demselben Betrieb verbracht. Diese Fabrik wurde insolvent. Die Belegschaft wurde entlassen.
Exchange is something you have to learn. You have to develop the trust, that it's not a swindle.
A consumer transaction takes 30 seconds. The consumer's decision takes an average of seven seconds. How sad is the packaged item, destined for return, even destruction.
The enormous increase of reawakenings in evangelical churches in the USA is considered by sociologist Richard Sennet to be a compensation for lost status in the class system.
A commodity appears, at first sight, a trivial thing, and easily understood. It´s analysis shows that it is, in reality, a very queer thing, abounding in metaphysical subtleties and theological niceties...
Money was always able to make big things smaller and small things bigger.
Assuming we produced as human beings. Each of us would have affirmed himself and the other person in two ways.